Event: Erasmus Plus Collaborative and Reflective Environments in Schools (CaRE) Workshop, Dublin, Ireland (hosted by Trinity College Dublin)
Dates: Sunday 27th February – Saturday 5th March 2022
Attendees: Teachers from Ireland, Austria, Spain, Poland and Czech Republic.
Report on event:
This seven day workshop began with introductions from all project partners, followed by a presentation of the overview of the CaRE project. Participants were reminded that the purpose of the workshop was to establish communities of practice in education, both within individual schools and between the partner schools, including digital/virtual sharing of practice.

On Monday, colleagues from Trinity College introduced the Bridge21 pedagogical model, which includes elements such as brainstorming, research and investigation of a topic, creation of educational materials, presentation of products, and reflection. This model formed the basis of the collaborative work for the entire week.

The rest of the week, workshops were introduced to participants on topics of: creating a community of practice (CoP); choosing a topic for the CoP; planning the steps for executing the CoP in schools; conducting surveys and interviews with staff and students to provide supporting evidence for the importance of a CoP; using Microsoft Teams as a digital platform for communication and collaboration within a CoP; and reflecting on work produced over the course of the week’s event.